Q&S Engineering is a HUB Zone, SDB, and DBE small business dedicated to providing Quality
and Service
Onshore and Offshore
Integrated Capabilities
Q&S provides services supporting onshore and offshore geotechnical investigations. Q&S maintains a strategic master service relationship with Gregg Drilling and Testing, a California based premier drilling firm, that allows Q&S access to over 45 drills, CPT rigs, and specialized testing equipment.
A select list of representative projects includes:

Onshore Geotechnical Survey
Groundwater Study, SEMPRA LNG Terminal

Q&S furnished labor, equipment, material, and supervision to perform soil and rock sampling and a geotechnical investigation in accordance with the latest edition of ASTM D-420, Standard Recommended Practice for Investigating and Sampling Soil and Rock for Engineering Purposes. Completed each boring as a groundwater monitoring well and performed falling head test to estimate water flow. Fast track project.

Offshore Geotechnical
Investigation, Puerto Libertad LNG Terminal

Q&S served as client representative on board the drill vessel during the geotechnical campaign. Prior to geotechnical drilling, collected sediment samples and oceanographic data, evaluated offshore drilling equipment, performed safety audits in vessel prior to departure, evaluated impacts associated with offshore work, obtained permitting to perform offshore drilling, and prepared HSE plans for marine operations. As client representative made shipboard decision regarding depth and abandonment of borings, and sample recovery.

Wind Energy Project
Geotechnical Investigation

Q&S completed a subsurface investigation designed to provide an accurate description of the material encountered, and define changes in the material characteristic with depths. Cohesionless soils were sampled using a split barrel sampler, and cohesive soils were sampled with a thin walled tube sampler. The subsurface investigation included approximately 150 LF of coring and excavation of 15 test pits.

Seafloor Coring
Sampling of Seafloor Bottom

Q&S used divers to drive an Ogeeche Sand Corer (core sampler) about 1.8 meters into the seafloor bottom in order to collect core samples from six separate locations along the footprint of a proposed breakwater. The options to use divers to collect the cores in lieu of a Vibro-Core technology saved the client thousands of dollars in mobilization and equipment fees.
– Received letter of commendation

Cone penetration testing (CPT)
SPT energy calibration
Dilatometer testing
Dynamic pile testing
Geotechnical drilling oversight
Geotechnical soil loging and classification
De-watering studies
Geologic reconnaissance
Geotechnical drilling onshore and offshore
Geologic hazard analysis
Sitting Studies

Client Testimonial
I would like to thank you for the outstanding work that you and your company performed. Your ability to resolve problems, innovative approach, and recommendations saved tens of thousands of dollars in cost and significantly reduced the project schedule. Your resourcefulness, commitment to quality, and service was truly demonstrated. We are grateful that you were able to keep the project cost down.
John Moossazadeh, Vice President / Regional Manager, Kleinfelder, Inc.,
Onshore / Offshore Geotechnical Investigation, Energia Costa Azul LNG Marine Terminal, Baja CA, Mexico